jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013


Is it fair that governmental organizations spend money in things like ammunition, and armies, instead of protecting species such as the jaguar?

25 comentarios:

  1. It is not fair that the government spend more money in the other things, but also we cannot say that they have to spend all their money in protecting this specie. They are many important things and some times the government has to have a balance in they way they spend their money, not all the money has to be spend in armie and the other stuff, but also in protecting this species that are very important for the different ecosystems.

  2. it is not fair because if we spend in armies the goverment is sponsoring the war. the government should invest in this species because it is also a living thing who is endangered.

    it has a good design, with an apropiate language, which is understandable, you put all the things that must be there, it is enjoyiable to read because the blog has good images with a good quality. att: jose suarez

  3. Daniel Camilo Moreno: For me is not fair that the goverment spends the money in army for a simple reason, the conservetation of Flora & Fauna in every place is really important because this is the real reachness of a country this marks a real difference in enviromental and economic aspects so the possible solution will be make a balance in the investment of this money one part for the army because its also neccesary and other for the conservation of this specie that is really tradtional of the tropic

  4. ANSWER: it is not fair to spend money in things less important that the conservation of species that one day might not be there and never come back, that mighjt be extinted.

  5. I think they might be totally different areas, the benefits of the protection or investment in/of any of them might play a different role in the society or in the country itself. Nevertheless,its not fair the government isnpt taking the protection of these species into account, we should highlight the fact that the government NEEDS to invest much more money in the protection of endangered species, such as the jaguar, and their habitats. -Andrea Vela

  6. I think it is not fair but the gToverment should spend money in both things because the armies and ammunition are needed in order to protect the country and that it is a safe country. Also it is very important to invert in the Jaguar because we can not accept that more species are being in danger of extintion because all this animals are important for the ecosystem.

  7. FEEDBACK: your blog is really nice, i like the background and the pictures. the information you published is complete and organize. i think you could put a lot more of your opinion, so the blog can have a mini dicussion about the topic.

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  10. It is not fair because this animal needs attention from the government. If the government spends money on other things, this species can get extinct. The country where the animal lives can loose its biodiversity because when a country has a an strange animal, it is a patrimony.

  11. it is not fair, but it is also important to spend money in armies because countries need them. so a good suggestion for this is that governments should make a balance to spend part of the money in armies and part of the money in protecting species like the jaguar.

  12. Daniel Camilo Moreno Feedback: You did a very good job you have really clear information, they main idea of your block its well achive, but other way you can make a more detail description of your species. In the design and creativity you did a handsome work!

  13. I partially aprove this question beacuse i think the government should pay more attention to their native species because something that represents Colombia in the world is our biodiversity, but the government shouldnt invest all the money in the protection of the jaguar beacuse there are more native species that also are in danger and we have different grups like the BACRIM or the illegal groups which are affecting the population so we need to buy weapons and other stuff to defend us

    By Juan Sebastian Amaris

  14. It is not fair that the government spends more money on other things because endangered species have the right to be saved but we are taking away that right so the government should also help a little supporting campaigns and investing money in ecologic incorporations.

  15. I like your blog alot, I love the pictures and the information is complete. I think you can maybe do it more organized, it was hard to find were the question was.

  16. I don’t think that it is fair, because species are important to the environment and the flora and fauna of each country is very important. As Colombia is a country in which the different environments are very important for tourism and different economical activities, the money should be invested to protect it.

  17. I like your block it has many images and trhe information is clear. I like that you put a jaguar as background beacuse it calls the attention of the public. the only thing i didnt like was that the beggining of the information was at the end and the questiona t the beggining which confuses

    by Juan Sebatian Amaris

  18. I dont think the word "fair" should go in the question, because every goverenment needs the money for army and ammunition. But I do agree that part of this money should go to protect endangered species like the Jaguar, because if the species dissapear, the food chain would get affected. Also because they make part of the world ecosystem and we need to protect it so we can conserve it for a long time.

    Ana Maria Buitrago

  19. Camilo Isaza Mendoza:


    I think it is not fair, because sepecies is not being protect, Government should not spend money in armies, they are buying things that are used for wars, meanwhile they spend money on armies the specie is in danger.


    It is a really organized and had properly images and information, the blog looks very good.

  20. It is unfair that the governmental organizations spend money in things like ammunition, and armies, instead of protecting species such as the jaguar, but it would also be unfair if it only spended money in protecting endanger species. The governmental organizations shoul have a balance between protecting the society and the endanger species.

    Your blog was very interesting and organized, you had a lot of information but it was vey clear. It is complete and you used reliable sources. Great job.

  21. It is not fair that the government spends money in amunation and armines instead of protecting species that could get extinguish

  22. it is not fair thet goverment spends ALL the money in armies and amunation when they can invest in saving a specie that coukld get extinct realy soon.

    I like your blog, it is organized clear and has good information, you have some grammar mistakes but in general it is good! i love the back ground.
    susana isaza

  23. I think somehow is fair, because money can be spend in protection of the species but is also needed in amunnation to protect the country and for violent problems.

  24. I really like the blog, i think is really organized and ejoyable, has good information and you learn about the jaguars

    1. the information id good and organized it it is complete and very good.
      anwer: I think they have to invert in protecting this animal instead of inverting in ammo that bring violence and nothing good.
