jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013


Hershkovitz, Philip. "Jaguar." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 20 May. 2013.
"Jaguar." WWF. World Wide Foundation, Web. 20 May 2013. <http://worldwildlife.org/species/jaguar>.
"Panthera Onca." Ministerio De Ambiente. Web.21 May 2013. <http://www.parquesnacionales.gov.co/PNN/portel/libreria/php/decide.php?patron=01.152401>

Perez, Roberto Salomon, John Polisar, Howard Quigley, and Kathy Zeller. "Iniciativa Del Corredor Del Jaguar: Un Corredor Biologico Y Un Compromiso a Largo Plazo Para La Conservacion." Mesoamerica. Web. 21 May 2013.


Is it fair that governmental organizations spend money in things like ammunition, and armies, instead of protecting species such as the jaguar?

Some new ideas to protect this specie?

We can contact the government,for it to help organizations by financing them, also we can ask more people to get involved on this issues affecting the environment, specially on our species panthera onca (jaguar), so more people can take action. We can start more campaigns .

What is the role developed by people to protect this species?

The role of developed people to protect the species , particularly talking of the panthera onca is the creation of  campaigns that gives spaces and protection to the species as the Wildlife Conservation Society has done  Profunding , this organization have assured and given corridors and spaces for this animal to interbreed and develop without being disturbed by the industries and agriculture producers. In conclusion this is the model we should follow because as developed people we are, we should know thw importance of this specie in the society and the importa
nce of it to survive.


What are some strategies developed to protect the jaguars?

They created some exclusive areas to protect this mammals, they are called “Unidades de conservación del jaguar” (UCJ). In this areas they protect not only the jaguars but also plants and vegetation that are in danger, the areas are home for about 50 jaguars.
--This areas are not exclusive for jaguars, they also have different animals that live there, for example small animals that work as preys for the jaguars--

“National and international conservation strategies have reduced the number of jaguars killed annually.”(Philip Hershkovitz) WWF has worked with the government of Brazil to successfully protect large blocks of Amazon forest for the jaguar. In Peru, WWF continues to track jaguars to learn more about their habitat requirements.(World Wide Foundation.)

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

An image of a Black Panther:

What are the factors that are threatening the survival of the species?

-This animal is in risk of extinction because of the loss of habitat and prays, that happened mainly because of agriculture and cattle ranching.
-Because of hunting.
-Because of his valuable skin.
-Because of the industries.

What is the role of Jaguars (Panthera Onca) in their habitat?

-The jaguar is a carnivore
-He is a predator.
-He doesn't hunt the prey, but wait for it to let their guard down
-As a predator, jaguars help to limit population of other animals from the area for a stable balance.
- Is not hunted too much.
-Only attacks humans when it feels attaked, by them

Basic Information About Jaguars

-The scientific name of the Jaguar is Panthera Onca, the jaguars are the biggest felins of America.
-The jaguar has normally a yellow skin with black dots in it, but in some cases there are black and brown skinned jaguars, this ones are called black panthers.
-The jaguar lives in lowland forests habitats, from U.S.A to the Argentinian Pampas
-It measures almost 2m.
-They are mainly carnivores.
-Is a member of the family Felidae, order Carnivora, class Mammalia.